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Several drivers of sustainable construction can help in realizing the importance of sustainable construction. Firstly, there is growing client demand, especially local governments and other public sector organizations. Secondly, there is the growing community and public expectations that business contributes to the community and social benefits. Indeed, as construction is evident to the public, these increasing expectations are especially significant. Sustainability in the construction industry can help in protecting the environment and giving back to the community. Thirdly, we have a changing workforce. Labor shortages and millennial employees will create pressure for improved social and environmental practices. The article helps in understanding the drivers and the importance of sustainable construction and how construction companies can achieve sustainability.    For more information on the drivers of sustainable construction, click 


Sustainability in the construction industry is gaining traction with construction companies aiming to go green. The construction sector is capable of making a significant contribution to sustainability objectives. Particularly considering the vast amount of material and energy resources required to produce and maintain the built environment. Moreover, there is the sum of emissions and waste generated throughout the entire use-cycle of physical structures. The various drivers of sustainable construction can assist companies in becoming eco-friendly. The planet continues to become urbanized at a rapid rate. Therefore, it is even more imperative that whatever comes up must perform sustainably on all registers. Construction companies can realize the importance of sustainable construction by carrying out green construction practices.    For more information on sustainability in the construction industry and its contribution to society, click  


With increased urbanization across the world, there has been the realization of the importance of sustainable construction. Durable construction isn’t just ensuring that there is the efficient use of resources in our projects. Indeed, it means considering the environmental impacts that are created by the way we source materials. Moreover, it means finding the processes we use to get the job done. Sustainability in the construction industry is so important because it does impact the entire world. From steel manufacturing plants, lumber mills, to the job site, there are areas for improvement. The drivers of sustainable construction are as a result of the increased realization of the importance of sustainable construction.   For more information on the importance of sustainable construction and how construction companies can become sustainable, click

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