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The essay will focus on steps in creating a marketing plan and developing smart marketing objectives. Mainly, a marketing plan provides a description of the company and the direction that it is heading to. There are several steps in creating a marketing plan, and the first step is understanding the customer. Firstly, this step helps in seeing where the company is now and in satisfying its customers. The second step is conducting a comprehensive marketing audit to determine its position and market share. A company should then create sustainable objectives to provide direction. Creating a marketing plan involves setting smart marketing objectives that are sustainable in the long-term.

creating a marketing plan


Smart marketing objectives are essential to companies looking to succeed in the long-term. Mainly, SMART mnemonic gets used in accessing the suitability of goals set to drive different strategies. Marketers can succeed by sing smart insights that offer a more structured approach to planning. Primarily, this is because intelligent insights give more realistic targets that would make marketers confident of achieving. Setting future marketing objectives, especially in a marketing plan, requires a close look at each measure’s importance. The smart mnemonic acts as a filter for assessing the quality of standards. The essay highlights step in creating a marketing plan and the importance of smart marketing objectives.


Creating strong brand positioning allows for companies to remain in the minds of customers at all times. Brand positioning is a process of positioning a brand in the sense of a customer. Also, brand positioning occurs whether or not a company is proactive in developing a position. However, management can positively influence its brand positioning in its target customer’s eyes by taking an intelligent forward-looking approach. Besides, positioning statements get used internally in companies, and they guide the marketing and operating decisions of companies. Moreover, positioning statements helps companies in making critical decisions affecting customers’ perceptions. In conclusion, creating a marketing plan involves developing smart marketing objectives that help in capturing target customers.

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