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Conscious experience and the problem of consciousness opens research avenues that promise to secure a scientifically sound theory,  according to David Chalmers, the easy problems of consciousness include those of explaining several phenomena. Additional, among the aspects, are discrimination ability, reaction to environmental stimuli, and the difference between wakefulness and sleep. Based on consciousness, the hard problem is the problem of experience or accounting for what the feeling is. Also, to many researchers, the problem seems like a sensible divide-and-conquer research strategy. Therefore, to others, identification of the hard problem calls for a scientific revolution, replacing the standard methods and assumptions. The conscious experience and the problem of consciousness is a broad concept that continues to be studied

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Neuroscience has now made it possible to study the biological basis of consciousness. Indeed, in recent years an increasing amount of attention has been directed to this subject. Efforts to account for key aspects of consciousness at a biological level have taken two forms. The first involved the proposal of a neuroscientifically based global brain theory commonly referred to as Neural Darwinism. In addition, the second theory of conscious experience was propounded mainly from a cognitive psychological point of view. The first theory proposes Dynamic Core functioning generated by a neural process, reentry, to link dispersed cortical and thalamic areas. Additionally, the theory accounts for the relation between perception and conscious memory. Lastly, the biological aspect of conscious experience and the problem of consciousness is in terms of patterns of neural activity.

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Based on consciousness, conscious experiences are constantly shifting and changing. Consciousness refers to one’s awareness of the unique thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations, and environment. One’s consciousness is the awareness of oneself and the world around us. This awareness is subjective and unique. The lack of a universally accepted operational definition is one problem of consciousness. In psychology, for instance, consciousness is occasionally confused with the conscience. It is, therefore, essential to note the difference in definition between conscience and consciousness. Consciousness involves awareness of yourself and the world, while conscience is the sense of right or wrong or morality. Lastly, modern researchers have proposed two major theories to understand the conscious experience and the problem of consciousness.

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