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The conflict management styles and causes of organizational conflicts are essential for successful business performance. For instance, disputes can affect employees’ productivity and overall performance. There are various causes of organizational conflict, from both internal and external parties. Consequently, they include task interdependencies, communication barriers, and individual differences. Therefore, managers need to handle grievances. Conflict resolution involves the reduction, elimination, or termination of all forms and types of conflict. Conflict management styles are practices to identify and manage disputes. Providently, five methods for conflict management by Thomas and Kilmann are competing, compromising, collaborating, avoiding, and accommodating. Conflict management aims to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness in an organizational setting. There are three orientations to conflict: lose-lose, win-lose, and win. Notably, these orientations have varying results.

Read more on the conflict management styles and causes of organizational conflict at


There are five conflict management styles by Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann. First, an accommodating approach involves a high degree of cooperation from one party against their own desired outcomes. Secondly, avoiding applies less assertiveness in pursuing the goals, and the issues are trivial. Thirdly, collaborating involves partners pairing up with each other to achieve both of their objectives. The latter approach is essential to understanding and solving the causes of organizational conflicts. Fourthly, competing involves a low degree of cooperation and a high degree of assertiveness to achieve goals. This approach may be appropriate for emergencies when time is of the essence. Lastly, a compromising scenario is where neither person nor manager accomplishes what they want. Notably, these styles apply orientations to conflict.

Read more on the concepts and types of conflict management styles at


There are several causes of organizational conflicts. They include high task interdependency, which heightens the intensity of relationships and can result in disagreement over small issues. Secondly, status inconsistencies and jurisdictional ambiguities among employees can result in conflicts. Thirdly, communication problems and dependence on limited resources can facilitate disputes. Lastly, the lack of performance standards and individual differences, such as personal abilities, are also causes of disagreements. Providently, there are three orientations to conflict. For instance, the lose-lose approach tends to end negatively for all parties involved. Alternatively, the win-lose method results in one victorious party, usually at the expense of the other. Lastly, a win-win approach engages in cooperation rather than competition. In conclusion, businesses can benefit from appropriate conflict management styles.

Read more on the orientations and causes of organization conflicts at

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