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CompuSoluciones case analysis and agency problems

This research paper is an analysis of CompuSoluciones in the Case: Mora, Luis Manuel Bonner de la Mora, Rowe, W. Glenn, and Mark, Ken. CompuSoluciones: Corporate Governance. 2017. HBS. Reading the CompuSoluciones case will enable us to analyze the case. Then using the governance theory and specifically agency theory the analysis will be done.  The analysis focuses on answering the following questions. Identifying two (2) agency problems at CompuSoluciones that are evident at the end of the case. CompuSoluciones is a value-added supplier of IT products, both hardware and software solutions. The company can best be described as a team-based business because of its governance structure. Governed by several consultative and representative councils, the firm relies on bits of advice and experiences of primary advisory teams to reach on consensus for strategic decisions.

The agency problem is described as a conflict of interest in any association where one party is supposed to act in another’s best interests (Clarke, 2004). Therefore, the case presents the following agency problems. Additionally and explanation of the causes of these problems, and then making suggestions about how the firm can minimize or eliminate these agency problems.  Also, in this CompuSoluciones case analysis will put into consideration ways in which CompuSoluciones has been changing; which could create new agency challenges.

From the  CompuSoluciones case analysis, therefore, CompuSoluciones has 18 business units that manage their supply chains and produce their profit and loss statements. This approach, therefore,  brings the problem of lack of transparency and the need for consolidated accounts. The main reason for consolidating financial statements is to provide financial information. Such information benefits users. Additionally,  Standalone financial statements do not show the general economic health of a company which aids the investors to make investment decisions.

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