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Common eating disorders result in the consumption of excessive amounts of food. Furthermore, they are serious conditions that cause persistent eating behaviours that negatively impact a person`s health, emotions, and ability to function in important areas of life. Additionally, they make a person focus too much on weight, body shape, and food. Consequently, these behaviours impact the body`s ability to get appropriate nutrition. Eating disorders may damage the bones, heart, digestive system, and mouth. Moreover, they may also cause other diseases. They develop mostly in the teen and young adult years. Treatment may help an individual to return to healthy eating habits.

Read more on common eating disorders and excessive amounts of food at;


Primarily, the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa generally develops during adolescence or young adulthood and tends to affect women more than men. Furthermore, individuals with this disorder view themselves as overweight. Resultantly, they tend to constantly monitor their weight by avoiding the consumption of certain types of foods. This severely restricts their calories and affects a person`s health. Similarly, bulimia nervosa tends to develop during adolescence and early adulthood. Moreover, it is less common among men than women. People with bulimia nervosa usually eat excessive amounts of food in a specific period. Each binge eating episode usually continues until the person becomes painfully full.

Read more on the types of common eating disorders at;


Fundamentally, eating excessive amounts of food may promote excess body fat. Consequentially, this may lead to excessive weight gain or obesity due to the surplus calories. Moreover, overeating may disrupt hunger regulation hormones. Disrupting these hormones may trigger a perpetual cycle of overeating leading to the development of common eating disorders. Additionally, eating large amounts of food affects a person`s health by increasing the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes and stroke.

Read more on the effects of eating excessive amounts of food at;

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