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This dissertation examines the various clinical research types and ethics in clinical research. Clinical researches involve treatment, disease prevention, diagnosis, screening, quality of life, genetics, among others. Treatment research entails issues of medication, new approaches to therapy, and psychotherapy. Clinical researchers must undertake the phases of clinical trials cautiously. Clinicians and other medical professionals must understand the role of ethics in clinical research to prevent loss of life or good health due to new trials. Therefore, prevention researchers must make an effort to prevent disorders from developing or returning. Diagnostic and screening researches help in finding better ways of identifying disorders.
clinical research types and ethics in clinical research


Clinicians must follow particular guidelines of ethics in clinical research. The primary goal of clinical research is to find new ways of improving human health. Clinicians also research to understand more about human biology. For each clinical research type, they must test new techniques, medications, and approaches to patient volunteers. This means that clinical trials place the patients at risk of harm from new drugs and other treatment areas. By applying ethics in clinical research, medical professionals are careful not to exploit the patients in all phases of clinical trials. Ethical guidelines protect volunteer patients and preserve the integrity of the science. Some well-known code of ethics for clinical research include the Belmont Report (1979) and the U.S. Common Rule (1991).
 guidelines for ethics in clinical research


There are five phases of clinical trials ranging from 0-1V. Clinical trials assess if tests and treatments are safe for, and work in people. Phase 0 trials aim to learn how bodies process new drugs, and their effect on the bodies as well. It involves small dosages and few volunteers for most clinical research types. Phase I trials look to determine the best dosage with the fewest side effects. Clinicians then test the safe drugs in phase II, where patients have a specific type of disorder. Phase III trials compare a new drug to the standard-of-care drug. This phase involves more patients. This calls for more emphasis on the application of ethics in clinical research and trials. The fourth phase of clinical trials tests FDA approved drugs, which involves thousands of patients.
ethics and the phases of clinical trials

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