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This research paper examines childhood social indicators and child development areas. Human beings undergo various stages of development as they grow from children to adults. Childhood social indicators are measures for milestones during a child’s life. These indicators are a basis for comprehending the influence of social change on children’s well-being. Establishing child development theories also gives a better understanding of the development stages. One indicator of child development is physical health. The collection and analysis of parents’ data concerning the physical well-being of children’s well-being conclude children’s development rate. Secondly, the level of educational achievement is another indicator. It creates a broader picture of the child’s psychological development.
 childhood social indicators and child development areas


Child development theories are the basis for studying changes in children’s growth over time. At each development stage, children learn several things at a go. Generally, there are five major child development areas. One, intellectual development is the physical growth of the brain. The child learns how to use language and gains the ability to reason. Secondly, physical development relating to the development of physical organs and improvement in coordination. Thirdly, the social development of acquiring interaction skills. By this stage childhood, social indicators are visible. Fourthly, emotional development entailing the ability to express themselves. Lastly, the moral development of understanding what is acceptable and not acceptable. After moral development, they change their behaviors depending on their judgment.
 areas in the childhood development process


This section evaluates child development theories. They tend to explain the various stages of child development as they grow. Also, they try relating some actions individuals perform when they are growing up. For example, teenagers are associated with rebellion as part of growth. Moreover, they dwell on various child development areas such as emotional, social, and moral development. The first theory is Freud’s psychosexual developmental theory.  It states that childhood experiences and desires influence the behavior of an individual. Secondly, Erikson’s psychosocial theory is another theory. It states that social interactions and experiences shape decision making throughout a person’s life. Moreover, behavioral child development theories relate behavior to environmental influence. These theories are a basis for determining childhood social indicators.
evaluating the theories of child development

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