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BSS005-1 Event planning process and event costing are essential in achieving the objectives of the sponsoring organization. Event planning is the process of managing a project such as a meeting, convention, tradeshow, ceremony, party, or conference. Additionally,  Event Planning consists of coordinating every detail of meetings and conferences. Event planning organizers are responsible for selecting meeting sites, prospective attendees, and how to get them to the meeting. From a pessimist’s view, event planning is the stressful work of planning meetings or events. Event planning includes activities such as budgeting, establishing timelines, selecting and reserving the event sites, and acquiring permits. BSS005-1 Event planning process and event costing are very crucial for event planners.  For more information on BSS005-1 Event planning process and event costing, click


BSS005-1 Event planning process and event costing understanding are essential in the creation of an event budget. Creating an event budget is a repeated action therefore it only requires a basic framework of the budget. The budget framework gets edited along the way with the proper tools to make it come together. Event costing through the event budgets requires a spreadsheet. Google Sheet is easier for anyone that needs access to see a constant current version of your budget. When creating complex budgets, it is necessary to look into event budgeting software. Most importantly, adding expected amounts and actual costs are essential to determine if you are over budget. Therefore, Event budgeting is vital for Event planning organizers. For more information on how to create an Event budget in Event costing, click


BSS005-1 Event planning process and event costing are often confused with event management. Quite simply, planning and managing are not the same. While the skill sets of these two functions do overlap, they are two distinct functions. Problems exist when clients think that all event managers also handle event planning. Event planning organizers, convention planners, and event coordinators are among the job titles in event planning. Event management is project management of the event itself. Individual event planners may offer event management services, and event managers may also provide event planning. It is, however, essential to understanding the differences between the two to carry out event costing.
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