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The BISM7202 role of managers in planning employee salary budgets is crucial. It ensures a balance between financial expenditure and employee satisfaction and motivation. Satisfactory compensations and financial rewards improve overall employees’ productivity. When planning for employee salary budgets, managers must understand work routines and schedules. This also includes the total working hours and employee pay grades as well. Firstly, managers must list down all tasks and subtasks to complete during the budgeting period. Other roles of managers in budgeting include determining all working positions and matching them to different wages and salaries. Managers must also make important decisions about which employees to reward depending on their productivity.
BISM7202 role of managers in planning employee salary budgets


Managers should consider several aspects when planning employee salary budgets to achieve accuracy in expenditure projections. They must take care of company expenses to their level-best while keeping the workforce motivated to work more effectively. This means considering individual employees and positions to plan for all wages and salaries. They should maintain the right number of budgeted positions and vacant positions through personnel tracking systems. Organizations can develop policy frameworks to address hiring issues, including all start dates, eliminated job positions, and planned retirements. This complicates the roles of managers even more. Some organizations form collective bargaining units that work with managers to negotiate terms of compensation to help in managerial decision-making.
effective plans for employee salary budgets


Compensation strategies for employees’ wages and salaries should incorporate the aspects of affordability, structures, and competitiveness. Salaries per position may vary depending on the size of the firm. Smaller organizations must compete with larger ones on issues of employee salary budgets. This means striving to attain a combination of factors that attract employees and retains them. For example, many employees enjoy their autonomy at work, the lack of hierarchy, and flexibility in work schedules. Some employees can even assume the roles of managers, even if the pay is subordinate-based. This is mainly for firms with few employees. Some employees also like to work in unique organizations that offer the chance to grow in their careers.
 compensation strategies for employees’ wages and salaries

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