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The benefits and challenges of collective leadership style are visible in today’s leaders. Balanced motivations are what define collaborative leadership. Leaders using this style aim to create value in everything they do. That means they are always trying to influence or motivate people to create the most significant possible impact. Thanks to modern technology, collective leadership style barriers have reduced. We have fewer language, cultural, and ethnic differences today than ever before that interfere with work processes. Collective leadership opens and recognizes this and opens the workplace up to new ideas. Collective leadership, therefore, creates more diversity, which adds new insights into the mix. The challenges and benefits of collective leadership style, however, are part of the mix. For more information on the benefits and challenges of collective leadership style, click


The challenges and benefits of collective leadership style are similar to the strengths and weaknesses of collective leadership. Broadening awareness and perspective are one strength of collective leadership. Encouraging people to work or think together and build relationships is another strength of a collective leadership style. The weaknesses of collective leadership include being difficult to undertake, especially with unmotivated groups. Limited use with time and task constraints is another weakness of collective leadership. Requiring a facilitator or members to understand the characteristics of dialogue is also a weakness of the leadership style. Emotional intelligence and management are not only a collective leadership weakness but also among the challenges of collective leadership style. For more information on the strengths and weaknesses of collective leadership style, click


The benefits and challenges of collective leadership style are all part of applying the leadership style. When collective leadership is happening, people are internally and externally motivated. People are usually working together toward a shared vision using their unique talents and skills to contribute to success. The collective leadership style recognizes that lasting success is not possible without diverse perspectives and contributions. Collective leadership is a process. It is, therefore, dependent on the relationships among the parts in the system, regardless of the system composition. Collective leadership emphasizes leadership sharing among many, thus serving as among the benefits of collective leadership style.  For more information on elements of collective leadership and benefits of collective leadership style, click

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