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Ancient Greek religion and myths of origin entail details of beliefs, practices, and rituals that originated in Ancient Greece. Most Ancient Greeks recognized twelve gods and goddesses. The worship of these gods and deities have different epithets that distinguish the aspects of each deity. Also, these Greek religious practices extended to the islands and coasts of Ionia in Asia Minor and Magna Graecia. Others were in the scattered Greek colonies in the Western Mediterranean. Greek creation myths try to explain the origin of the universe in human language. Hesiod reports the most widely accepted version of the myths. Images existed on pottery and religious artwork by Ancient Greeks. Apart from religions and myths, power dressing in Ancient Greece is also an essential aspect of its history.

Read more of Ancient Greek religion and myths of origin at


Power dressing in Ancient Greece came about from their attachment to ideals of bodily perfection and outward appearance. Greeks demonstrated an awareness of the potential of the body to mark social, political, religious, and moral distinctions. This was also evident during Greek religious practices and rituals and other contexts, such as theatre and literature. There is also considerable evidence of innovation, experimentation, and the determined expression of personal style. There was dressing up for religious festivals and other occasions in the Ancient Greek religion. Lastly, the Ionians in Greece developed a textile industry that produced finer materials in wool and linen.

Read more of fashion and power dressing in ancient Greece at 


Ancient Greek religion had a significant influence on the way the Greeks led their life. They developed eating habits from studies of the needs of the body and the spirit. Their diet, which was an important part of their philosophical vision. They also used food in rituals, sacrifices, and other Greek religious practices. Ancient Greeks consumed various foods at different times of the day. Their breakfast was a boiled barley drink flavored with peppermint or thyme. At noon, Greeks used to eat fish, legumes, or snacks such as bread, cheese, olives, eggs, nuts, and fruits. Dinner was heave and included desserts such as fresh or dried fruits, mainly figs, walnuts, grapes, or honey-desserts. There was also power dressing in Ancient Greece for festivals and feasts. On such occasions, food included a lot of meat. The ancients showed a particular preference for pork and beef.

Read more of eating and dietary practices in ancient Greece at 

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