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This essay provides an overview of the strategies planning for species conservation. Globally, people recognize that species form the fabric of nature in how they interrelate with each other. Additionally, there are various conservation strategies and approaches to conservation that value the importance of conserving nature. Some focus on protected areas, ecosystems. Other area-based classifications include hotspots, ecoregions, Important Bird Areas, and Important Plant Areas. Some of these approaches aim at ensuring the maintenance of ecosystem processes and structures which support nature. Also, developing conservation strategies can be quite challenging. Many species, and species groups, need special attention, requiring species-focused conservation strategies. Therefore, this makes some of the general strategies insufficient.
Read more of the overview of strategic planning for species conservation at 


This section focuses on the guidelines for developing conservation strategies. They should be realistic about the dynamics of nature. Some of the existing strategies tend to overlook some details about particular species conservation. The ideal strategies for species conservation should focus on factors such as climate change, funding and research, and the knowledge that we cannot find all answers concerning some species. Plans should incorporate the impact of climate change on species conservation initiatives. Governments should also promote the importance of conserving nature through funding for further research and the action plans for conservation as well. Strategic plans should also include instruction on how to handle uncertainty through the process of adaptive management.
Read more of the ideal and realistic guidelines for species conservation at


Recognizing the importance of conserving nature helps to formulate viable strategies for biodiversity conservation. Maintaining intact landscapes helps in protecting and improving the ecological integrity and long-term viability of the core landscapes of various regions. With the reverse declines strategy for species conservation, we can reinstate lost ecosystems. This way, we can ensure continuity of crucial ecological processes such as pollination. There is also a need for developing conservation strategies aimed at recovering threatened species and ecological communities. This will ensure the long-term persistence of species and ecosystems at immediate risk of extinction in the wild. Lastly, the actions required to implement this work are specific to individual species and ecosystems.
Read more of biodiversity conservation strategies at 
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