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Al-Sharif al-Idrisi’s world map and al-Idrisi discoveries are all in the Arabic geographical book written in Sicily in 1154. The book is by the island’s Norman ruler, King Roger II. The book also drew on Greek, Islamic and Christian knowledge to create the greatest medieval compendiums of geographical knowledge. Furthermore, the book by Muslim scholar Al-Sharif al-Idrisi contained seventy regional maps and began with the exquisite circular world map. Most early Islamic world maps were oriented with south at the top. That was because many of the communities that first converted to Islam lived directly north of Mecca. Al-Sharif al-Idrisi world map and al-Idrisi discoveries and concepts about the earth are all in the Arabic geographic book.

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Al-Sharif al-Idrisi world map and al-Idrisi discoveries all led to the title of the father of geography. Once upon a time in history, many people were interested in putting their efforts into studying the earth. The Middles Ages were the Golden Ages for them to discover and explore the undiscovered world. One of the geographers was Muslim scholar Al-Sharif al-Idrisi, who is known as the Father of Geography. The title is a result of his essential contributions to the field. Al-Idrisi visited a lot of places in North Africa and Andalusia and collected accurate information on both regions. Every time he travelled, he took two crucial things which were his pen and his papers. Lastly, the result of the document and pen was available materials on al-Idrisi discoveries about all the places he visited.

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Al-Sharif al-Idrisi’s world map and al-Idrisi discoveries have their origin in Idrisi’s early life. Al-Idrisi was born into the large Hammudid family of North Africa and Al-Andalus. Both communities claimed descent from the Idrisids of Morocco and ultimately the prophet Muhammad. Muslim scholar Al-Sharif al-Idrisi was born in the city of Ceuta, where his great-grandfather had been forced to settle. The grandfather’s settlement in Ceuta was due to the fall of Hammudid Málaga to the Zirids of Granada. Idrisi then spent much of his early life traveling through North Africa and Al-Andalus. Al-Idrisi discoveries are because of how he made sure to acquire detailed information on the regions.

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