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Advancement of technology and effects on children is becoming rampant in the current generation. With media’s expansion to newer formats, including cellphones and tablets, the advancement of technology reaches the minds of children. Although TV time is still the main medium for children, almost a third of their time is spent on computers, tablets, and cellphones. Besides, what is also noteworthy is that they do not borrow some of these gadgets. Considering cellphone ownership among 12 -to -17 -year-olds is spiking in the past decade, the effects on children is tremendous. Consequently, the big question is what that technology exposure means to the development of childhood. Ultimately, the effects of technology may be positive or negative, depending on the line of use.

Read more about advancement of technology and effects on children at


Technology is an ever-present part of our daily lives. As a result, it’s nearly impossible to prevent our young children from also desiring these interactions. Therefore, the advancement of technology in schools to allow children to interact with technology positively. Besides, it’s parents’ and teachers’ job to find the right ways for the little children to interact with technology. Moreover, using technology correctly can have very positive effects on a child’s development. However, there are also negative effects on children resulting from excessive use. Not surprisingly, studies show that the increase in technology leads to a decrease in daily reading. Therefore, limiting the screen time for children is essential for the development of childhood in various ways.

Read more about advancement of technology in children learning at


Technology is everywhere, and it brings many great things to us. Advancement of technology enables the use of smartphones, tablets, personal computers, video games, and so on. Children will learn many things people are not dreaming about yet. However, there are some negative impacts of technology overuse. Children are developing technology addiction, thus affecting their relationship and social skills. Additionally, they grow up playing games online, accessing websites, both bad and good hence corrupting their minds. Furthermore, the effects on children are even elevating into health problems. Besides, the more they use mobiles, the less physical activities they do. Most importantly, the overuse of these devices affects their relationships with their parents. Thus, once the relationship with the parents is poor, the development of childhood for the kids becomes insufficient.

Read more about negative technology effects on children at 

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