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This paper analyses MGB225-intercultural communication principles and issues in organizational leadership. Categorization of the principles is in four major categories. One is language, culture, and lingua culture, which are brought about by the rise of globalization. Extensive globalization leads to communication failures due to factors such as the language barrier and cultural differences. Therefore, due to these issues, intercultural communication becomes prevalent. Secondly, intercultural mediation facilitates the translation and interpretation of different cultures by representatives. Thirdly, channels of communication allow for the free flow of information. Lastly, the subconscious element in communicative behavior is also another crucial element of intercultural communication. Communication is one of the issues in leadership that requires effective problem-solving initiatives in leadership.

Read more in MGB225-intercultural communication principles and issues in organizational leadership at


Every leader expects success; however, they are usually at high risk of failure if they don’t adhere to some critical principles. Moreover, leaders encounter various challenges in their quest of trying to be the best. The issues in organizational leadership include the following. One is the failure to communicate, which leads to the breakdown of operations. Effective communication in leadership requires commitment, discipline, and willingness, which is hard to achieve. Therefore, implementing MGB225-intercultural communication principles is essential for the inclusivity of all cultures. Secondly, lack of accountability might lead to losses, for example, financial losses. Thirdly, fear of firing is another prominent issue for leaders. This may result from such employees being relatives or friends. Additionally, poor execution of operations poses another leadership challenge.

Read more on the issues in organizational leadership at


Following the several issues in organizational leadership, the creation of solutions for addressing them is crucial. Problems are inevitable and hence keep mounting so fast that the time for solving them is very limited. This is very risky since in the process of solving them, forgetting others is very easy. As a result, the failure to solve others leads to unexpected risks. Essentially, leadership exists to guide the solving of organizational problems. The following include effective problem-solving initiatives for leadership. Firstly, transparent communication for enabling free airing of views while solving problems. Secondly, having an open mind is critical for leaders while tackling conflicts. Additionally, creating a solid foundational strategy is equally essential.

Read more on the effective problem-solving initiatives for leadership positions at

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