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This paper looks into human resource recruitment and staff selection policy. Recruitment is the process of attracting, identifying, analyzing, and shortlisting the right person to fill a vacant spot in an organization. A good recruitment results in the overall growth of an organization and more productive employees. Similarly, the selection is the process of picking the most suitable person to take up the vacant spot in an organization. It involves the interviewing of candidates and evaluating their potential. Furthermore, a successful selection process ensures that the new employees work towards reaching the objectives of the organization.

 human resource recruitment and staff selection policy


Primarily, the human resource recruitment consists of a series of steps that aid the process. The organization first sets its expectations from the candidates and its needs. This ensures that new employees will be able to accomplish the objectives of the organization. Secondarily, the organization creates a description of the job position which is primarily in line with the staff selection policy. Furthermore, it then selects a team that will carry out the interview and selects the candidates. It then announces the vacant job position and shortlists the candidates who apply for the job. Also, it carries out the interview where they get to know more about the candidates. After the interview, it chooses the final candidate and presents the job to the potential new employee.
 process of human resource recruitment


Fundamentally, a staff selection policy ensures that the job description provides all the necessary information and precedes the competencies that cultivate the most contribution to the organization. Additionally, it ensures that the hiring team has choosing criteria to avoid discrimination and biases. It also optimizes the transparency of human resource recruitment. This ensures that the stakeholders of the recruitment are confident with the outcome. Besides, it provides equal opportunity legalization allowing the organization to choose the best potential candidates that will meet the objectives of the organization.

benefits of a staff selection policy

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