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Impacts of the South Australian Drug Court on drug-related crimes and addictive behaviors

This essay covers the Impacts of the South Australian Drug Court on drug-related crimes and addictive behaviors. The Australian government established the South Australian Drug court in 2000. This was an an initiative to fight drug-related crimes and addiction behaviours among its citizens. Crimes that are related to drugs are those that involve the possession, manufacture or even distribution of drugs that have the potential for abuse. For example, amphetamines, cocaine, morphine and heroin. Whereas, addiction entails any activity, behaviour or object that has become the main focus of one’s life to the elimination of other activities. Various research show that the drug court program has a positive effect on decreasing the levels and seriousness of re-offending. Moreover, the high crime rates related to drugs and addiction problems are significantly decreasing. This is as a result of the drug courts.

For more information on the Impacts of the South Australian Drug courts on drug-related crimes and addiction behaviors

The support team of the South Australian Drug Court and their roles

A legal initiative by governments, regardless of the country, requires a support team that ensures that the program is operating efficiently. Consequently, The Australian government set aside an interagency team that supports the operations of the South Australian Drug Court. This team includes; the Department for Correctional Services, the Leal Services Commission, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and Non-government agencies. Their roles include providing home detention surveillance, providing defense counsel for defendants and designated prosecutors respectively. In addition, non-governmental agencies play a crucial role in supporting the drug court. Not only does it provide housing facilities to the victims but also it gives them treatment services. This, in addition, helps them fully recover. Consequently, the victims and perpetrators are given a chance to go back and become independent and reformed members of their societies. This, in turn, reduces drug-related crimes and addictive behaviour.

Follow this link to learn more about the roles of the support team of the South Australian Drug Court and how they affect drug-related crimes and addictive behaviors

Drug-related crimes and addictive behavior elimination strategies.

The South Australian Drug Court has put in place strategies that will eliminate the problem of drug-related crimes and addictive behaviour. Firstly, rewards and sanctions, court monitoring and case management are strategies that help develop a commitment to act honestly. Also, MRT and staying quit increases the capacity to set life goals and monitor one’s progress. Moreover, these strategies decrease dishonest behaviors and increase actions and self-accountability.

Follow this link to learn more about the strategies that the South Australian drug court has put in place to eliminate the problem of drug-related crimes and addictive behaviour

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