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Global pollution prevention is a process that benefits from the use of renewable sources of energy. Primarily, pollution prevention is any practice that reduces, prevents, or eliminates pollution at its source. Moreover, decision making starts with the selection and the purchase of preferable types and quantities of materials and continues through to identifying and implementing suitable waste management practices. Furthermore, source prevention is significantly different and more desirable than recycling, treatment, and disposal. Additionally, there are significant opportunities for industries to reduce or prevent pollution at the source through cost-effective changes in operation, production, and the use of raw materials.

Read more on global pollution prevention and renewable sources of energy at;


Fundamentally, global pollution prevention requires the use of eco-friendly transportation. Consequently, this helps to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Also, proper waste management practices are important in preventing pollution. Moreover, reducing, reusing, and recycling waste is essential to reduce soil, water, and air pollution. Additionally, using renewable sources of energy helps to minimize pollution in the environment. This is because non-renewable energy sources such as the use of fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases and other harmful pollutants into the air leading to various health issues.


The use of renewable sources of energy helps to reduce global warming. This is because it reduces the emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. Therefore, it is essential in global pollution prevention. Also, renewable sources of energy do not run out. They require lower overall maintenance unlike non-renewable sources such as generators and water turbines. Moreover, renewable energy generation sources emit little to no greenhouse gasses or pollutants into the environment. Resultantly, this promotes proper waste management practices in the natural environment.

Read more on the advantages of renewable sources of energy at;

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