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The utilization of social media remains a major cause of common relationship issues. Moreover, social media is a technology that allows the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the development of virtual networks and communities. Also, it provides its users with the fast electronic communication of content which includes personal information, photos, videos, and documents. Additionally, several benefits and opportunities that help people in various ways. Social media also allows people to maintain social connections and support networks. Nonetheless, it has various negative impacts on relationships and the social life of an individual. This may include cheating in relationships, losing friends, and creating a negative body image.

Read more on the utilization of social media and common relationship issues at;


The utilization of social media may significantly helpful in growing a professional network online. This is by connecting mentors, colleagues, and other professionals. Also, it helps to build relationships by connecting people in different parts of the world. Moreover, it improves the social life of an individual by maintaining connections with other people. Additionally, social media helps educate people as the internet contains a lot of information that they can use. Furthermore, it improves the visibility of a person by following others and interacting with them. However, this may occasionally cause some common relationship issues when people decide to cheat in their relationships with other individuals from different social media platforms.

Read more on the advantages of utilization of social media at;


Primarily, some common relationship issues result from the utilization of social media. One of the issues is addiction. Furthermore, addiction is more prevalent in young children. Moreover, it affects the social life of an individual by denying them a chance to interact with their friends in the real world. Additionally, social media does not portray reality. Contrarily, it portrays what someone wants to see. Consequently, this may cause jealousy when people see what the lives of others seem to be. Also, it may cause unhappy relationships.

Read more on common relationship issues resulting from social media usage at;

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