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Unemployment among youth is a consequence of governments failing to address the creation of job opportunities. In some countries, the average youth unemployment rate is significantly higher than the overall unemployment rate. Furthermore, the rates increase in many countries following the global recession. Similarly, the goal of all job creation strategies is to stimulate healthy economic growth. Additionally, when the economy contracts into recession, governments must create solutions to unemployment. They may use expansive monetary policies, expansive fiscal policies, or both to stimulate job growth.

Read more on unemployment among youth and creation of job opportunities at;


The primary cause of unemployment among youth is a financial crisis. Moreover, the recession during a financial crisis makes existing problems in labor markets and other structures worse. Also, it disrupts healthy economic growth and affects the quality and security of jobs available to the youth. Additionally, another cause of unemployment is skill mismatch. Furthermore, businesses may require skills that youths out of school do not have. Resultantly, this makes the creation of job opportunities a difficult task as businesses are unable to find suitable candidates for their positions.


The creation of job opportunities requires the teaching of entrepreneurship at every level. This empowers the youth to be self-reliant and experience free enterprise opportunities. Consequently, this reduces unemployment among youth. Also, it is important to encourage students to take action on their ideas. This enables them to put into practice the entrepreneurial skills that they learn at school. Additionally, a country can create healthy economic growth by making small businesses more profitable hence they hire people. Moreover, providing the right resources and tools to small businesses develops a small business economy that creates job opportunities.

Read more on the methods of creation of job opportunities at;

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