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This paper analyzes the types of organizational structures and communication within organizations. An organization structure is a system that directs how an organization carries out activities in order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities include the roles, responsibilities, and rules. Also, they determine the flow of information within the different levels in the organization. Additionally, an organization structure enables companies to remain focused and efficient. All types of businesses use organizational structures. These structures outline the job of each employee and its position within the system. Furthermore, they provide an organization with a visual representation of its layout and how it can work towards achieving its goals.
 types of organizational structures and communication within organizations


There are three basic types of organizational structures. These are functional, divisional, and matrix. First, the functional structure is a structure where an organization operates in smaller groups each with a specific task. It allows the grouping of employees with similar skill sets to work together in achieving the goals of an organization. Second, the divisional structure entails different divisions operating as companies on their own and controlling their resources. This structure offers flexibility to companies with several divisions. On the other hand, a disadvantage of this structure is that the communication within organizations becomes difficult as the different divisions tend to operate independently. Lastly, the matrix structure which is a combination of functional organization structure and projectized organizational structure. An employee may have different bosses at the same time.
basic types of organizational structures


Regardless of the types of organizational structures in an organization, it is essential to have an organized way of communication. Effective communication within organizations helps the organization to run its activities smoothly and efficiently. Clear and open communication improves the transparency of an organization besides building trust between the employees. It also builds good relationships between staff members and employees. Also, it helps to clarify information and reduce misunderstanding. This, therefore, helps employees to easily co-operate in achieving the goals of an organization.
importance of effective communication within organizations

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