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Tourism risk management and hospitality risk management ensure that guests remain safe and operations run smoothly. Tourism companies are increasingly facing incidents that involve risks for both travellers and the tourism industry. These events can have a tremendous negative impact on tourism destinations. Besides, the damage to a destination’s image may have even longer-lasting effects than the actual loss. The importance of risk management in events should also feature when tourists participate in an event. Risk management does not start with a crisis, but much earlier. Hospitality risk management will reduce the impact of crises and create a good reputation.

For more information on tourism risk management, click


Hospitality risk management is an essential consideration due to the handling of sensitive client information. A security breach has enormous ramifications. A data breach can be costly and may also lead to brand damage. The importance of risk management in events also needs to be given considerable attention. Guests represent the fuel for any hospitality company. However, guests can also potentially be the most significant threats – both directly and indirectly – to profitability. Lawsuits from people who are injured or damage to guestrooms can represent a substantial risk to the bottom line. Tourism risk management also faces similar challenges to the hospitality industry and requires active data protection.

For more information on hospitality risk management and risks facing the hospitality industry, click


The importance of risk management in events is hard to ignore. Planning an event requires months of prep-work, with pressure increasing each day. Event planners have a lot on their plate, from liaising with suppliers to organizing the guest list. Tourism risk management can integrate with event risk planning to ensure smooth operations. Unfortunately, with so many moving parts, an unsuccessful event is always a potential outcome. Disappointment thus makes way for the grim realities of what happens when an event doesn’t meet targets. This is why risk management is crucial for event planners. Hospitality risk management requires planning for crises in events held for clients.

For more information on the importance of risk management in events and event planning, click
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