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Total quality management is a process that enables continuous process improvement in an organization. Moreover, it is a continual process of detecting, eliminating, or reducing errors in manufacturing. Additionally, it involves improving customer experience, streamlining supply chain management, ensuring that employees are up to speed with training. It aims to hold accountable all the parties in the production process for the overall quality of the final product. Furthermore, it seeks to improve the quality and performance to meet or even exceed the expectations of customers. A company can achieve it by integrating all functions and processes.

Read more on total quality management and continuous process improvement at;


Primarily, total quality management focuses on the customers. This is because the customers determine the level of quality. Also, they determine whether the efforts of a company to foster quality improvement are worthwhile. A company needs to work to fulfill the expectations of customers. Additionally, total quality improvement requires the involvement of all employees. All employees need to take part in working towards common goals. Moreover, it involves continuous process improvement that drives a company to become analytical and creative. This is crucial in finding ways to become more effective and competitive at meeting the expectations of stakeholders.


Continuous process improvement promotes the efficiency of an organization. This is because it involves the implementation of systems to do work in less time and surpassing the expectations of customers by turning out a higher quality product. Moreover, it improves the engagement of employees by increasing their interest and satisfaction in their work. Additionally, it is a crucial aspect of total quality management that promotes customer satisfaction. This is because continuously improving products and services enable a company to meet its customers’ needs. It also involves putting systems in place to continually elevate and upgrade operations.

Read more on the benefits of continuous process improvement at;

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