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Understanding theories of personality psychology and personality traits dimensions help people in creating better relations with others. This is evident in many contexts, such as within the home, community, and workplaces. Personality refers to a broad element of the unique characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Research stipulates that character comes from within, although sometimes external factors influence it. Most of the aspects of personality remain constant as we grow older, and only a few change. Personality psychologists dedicate their efforts to developing various theories of personality psychology and understanding people’s unique characteristics. These theories are biological theories, behavioral theories, psychodynamic theories, humanist theories, and trait theories. Analyzing the importance of personality in career selection is crucial for making the right decision.

Read more on theories of personality psychology and personality traits dimensions at


Personality psychologists believe there are five major personality trait dimensions. They are referred to as the “Big 5 personality traits”.  Researchers’ previous attempts in finding out the exact number of personalities results in the formulation of the theories of personality psychology. For example, according to Gordon Allport, there are four thousand personality traits. Other researchers of the same are Raymond Cattell and Hans Eysenck. Some of these researchers’ works present themselves as complex; hence, the big five personality traits tend to simplify such works. These are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.  The attributes are applicable in maintaining social relations and selecting career paths. Therefore, understanding the importance of personality in career selection is essential for people seeking to onset their careers.

Read more on personality traits dimension in psychology at


People stay in jobs because of the benefits and type of team they are working with. However, research shows that personality fit is also an essential factor of job satisfaction apart from these factors. Moreover, the traits mesh with career determines the level of productivity and performance. For example, extroverts thrive better in social jobs such as marketing. On the other hand, introverts are better at analytical jobs. The importance of personality in career selection include the following. One, it creates a better culture fit in the workplace. Secondly, it improves job performance and creates higher job satisfaction. Additionally, understanding one’s personality aids them in determining their strengths and weaknesses. The personality trait dimensions facilitate the grouping of individuals according to their characters.

Read more on understanding the importance of personality in the career selection process at

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