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This essay discusses the structure, theories, and agencies of criminal justice. The criminal justice system refers to the collection of federal, state, and local public agencies that deal with the crime problem. These agencies are interdependent in their decisions,  in that one agency affects other agencies decisions. The basic framework of the system is provided by the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government. Therefore, the agencies of criminal justice include law enforcement whose purposes are to maintain order, enforce the criminal law, and provide services. Courts are tribunals that seek justice and to discover the truth. The primary actors in the courts are the prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges. Corrections include probation, parole, prison, and community‐based sanctions, e.g. house arrest. The purposes of correctional agencies are to punish, to rehabilitate, and to ensure public safety. Thus, Criminal justice theories are relevant to preventing/deterring crime.

 the structure, theories, and agencies of criminal justice

structure, theories and agencies; and the Three Theories of Criminal Justice

Criminal justice encompasses several distinctive theoretical explanations for the causes and consequences of crime and criminal behavior, but three primary criminal justice theories dominate the field. They provide useful tools that help explain human behavior and social phenomena. The main criminal justice theories are restorative justice theory focuses on how to heal the harm caused by crime. It advocates for the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with the victims and the community affected by the crime. The retributive justice theory emphasizes punishment as the most effective deterrent to crime. Additionally, transformative justice offers a structural approach that analyzes the social conditions in which crimes happen, the reasons for victimization, the need for restitution, and the establishment or restoration of peace and security. Lastly, these theories are essential to the agencies of criminal justice by promoting and influencing their functions.

Read more on the theories of criminal justice at 


Criminology and Criminal Justice are two inter-related fields of inquiry that address crime and related concerns in contemporary society. Criminology is an analytical and applied field of study that focuses on the understanding, control, and prevention of crime. It is an interdisciplinary field that draws from study areas such as sociology, anthropology, economics, etc. Criminal justice is concerned with the analysis of the structure, function, and linkages of the three agencies of the criminal justice system namely, the police, judiciary, and corrections. Criminal justice further encompasses the intersection of human rights, governance, and administration of justice. Criminology and Criminal Justice are of particular relevance due to the high prevalence, new types, and changing patterns of crime that require rigorous scientific study for effective control and prevention. Thus, the theories of criminal justice are relevant in both fields for effective justice administration.

differences between criminal justice and criminology

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