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The essay will compare two Christian organizations, namely the Southern Baptist Convention and Africa Inland Mission. The Southern Baptist Convention got formed in 1845, and its primary mission was to create two mission boards. Mainly, the mission boards included the foreign and the domestic mission board. The mission group currently has more than 5000 missionaries and over 900 people groups worldwide. Notably, the group faced difficulties during the civil war and the South’s agrarian economy. Significant growth of the mission’s overseas work occurred after World War II. The essay will highlight the history and governance of the Southern Baptist Convention and the Africa Inland Mission.

 Southern Baptist Convention


Africa Inland Mission (AIM) is a Christian mission sending agency with a heart for Africa’s peoples. Mainly, its roots come from a group of people who ventured into the African inland to spread the gospel. Thus, their vision led to AIM’s 120-year existence as a community that sent people to Africa. The critical area that the community targeted had less exposure to the Christian doctrines. Peter Cameron Scott began the African Inland Mission from establishing a mission network station that spun across Africa. The article will discuss the Southern Baptist Convention and Africa Inland Mission history and their type of Christians.

 history and governance of Africa Inland Mission


The governing structure of missions varies greatly, and the essay will look at the Southern Baptist Convention’s structure. Mainly, the Southern Baptist The convention focuses on local church autonomy. The Southern Baptist Convention’s existence involves assisting autonomous Baptist churches in attempting bigger things for God. Mainly, the mission’s efforts require trust, confidence, and trust in realizing God’s bigger purpose in working together. The Southern Baptist broad network also works with ethic fellowships, mission auxiliaries, and local associations. There are seven categories at the national level, and some include international missions and North American associations. The essay will help in understanding the structures of the Southern Baptist Convention and Africa Inland Mission.

Southern Baptist Convention and governing structure of missions

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