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This essay discusses the roles of Human Resource Management and the concept of Human Resource Development. Human resource management (HRM) is the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them. Thus, employees in an organization are the most relevant resource. Conversely, the concept of Human Resource Development is the part of HRM that deals with the training and development of employees in an organization. In effect, both HRM and HRD deal with employees and other relevant stakeholders of companies. The primary roles of Human Resource Management include staffing, setting policies, compensation and benefits, retention, training, employment laws, and worker protection. Thus, the training and development of employees is a primary role of the HR department. In conclusion, both HRM and HRD are chief aspects of overall employee growth.


The concept of Human Resource Development is the part of HRM that deals with the training and development of employees in an organization. HRD is vital for any organization in a dynamic and growth-oriented environment. HRD can be formal or informal. Informal learning includes coaching by managers, mentoring by more experienced employees, and collaborating with highly trained colleagues. Alternately, Formal development includes internal training, college courses, and planned organizational change. Therefore, such programs are relevant to the training and development of employees. HRD ensures organizational effectiveness through the proper utilization of resources to achieve organizational goals. Also, it improves the overall growth of employees, influences team spirit, and helps create an efficient culture in an organization. Lastly, it helps to collect useful and objective data on employee’s programs and policies, which further facilitate the roles of human resource management.

Read more on the concept of human resource development and the importance of HRD at


The roles of human resource management are vital to the effective functioning of businesses. They include staffing, the entire hiring process of recruitment, and selection. Secondly, the development of workplace policies to ensure fairness and continuity within the organization. Thirdly, HRM professionals deal with compensation and benefits administration by guaranteeing the reimbursements are fair and meet industry standards. Fourthly retention is another function of HR departments. Retention involves keeping and motivating employees to stay with the organization. Lastly, the Training and Development of employees is another role of HRM. The latter results in employee motivation increased job satisfaction and higher productivity for the organization. Employees who feel they are developing their skills tend to be happier in their jobs, which results in increased employee retention. Training is also a chief component of the concept of human resource development.

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