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The essay will discuss the Federalist Papers and Alexander Hamilton’s concerns and the success brought by the confederation paper. Mainly, the federalist papers are a series of eighty-five essays that argue in support of the United States constitution. The pieces had several authors who include Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. Notably, when Alexander wrote the federalist paper, it became a closely guarded secret until his death. However, Madison disputed Hamilton’s works despite having written some articles that attributed to Hamilton. The report focuses on the Federalist Papers and Alexander Hamilton’s concerns and the articles of confederation importance to the US.


Alexander Hamilton’s concerns are the foundation for his federalist paper, which would support the US constitution. The united states’ first government was primarily weak as it had many debts and an empty treasury. Moreover, its support for its people was inadequate, thus raising questions on its future. After a few years, a significant change came through the efforts of Alexander Hamilton. Importantly, Hamilton wanted the US to become a vital and robust nation. Mainly, he wanted the US to equal Europe’s dominant countries. The Federalist Papers helped in highlighting Alexander Hamilton’s concerns for the US and how to make it robust.

Alexander Hamilton’s concerns and the articles of confederation


Several federalist paper contributions arose as a result of Alexander Hamilton’s concerns for the US and its shortcomings. Notably, there was a need for a government as proposed for the preservation of the union. The primary purpose that the association should answer is the common defense of the members. Moreover, it needed to check the conservation of public peace and the regulation of commerce with other countries. The authorities relevant to the common defense would include raising armies and building and equipping fleets. The Federalist Papers looked to preserve the union and helped in dealing with Alexander Hamilton’s concerns about the constitution.

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