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This research paper evaluates the causes of homelessness and homelessness eradication strategies.  Becoming homeless is not a choice, but because of the prevailing circumstances. Homeless families mostly are not related but have a common factor of vulnerability, lacking food and proper housing. The first cause relates to economic structural factors. Whereby there are unequal employment opportunities for individuals; therefore, some end up lacking jobs. Secondly, the current poverty levels lead to homelessness. That means the inability to accessing basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. Thirdly, the high pricing of housing is another cause. Therefore, individuals are unable to afford mortgages. As a result, there exist various health implications of homelessness.
causes of homelessness and homelessness eradication strategies


The causes of homelessness are several, resulting from varying factors. Homelessness is a rising problem all over the continent. It is not a choice and comes with other implications on individuals, including on health. The health implication of homelessness includes the following. One, trauma-related injuries are resulting from violence in the streets, such as rape and assault. Secondly, skin and blood vessel diseases from insect bites and unhygienic nature of the streets. Thirdly, respiratory diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis are common. This is due to extreme weather conditions such as snow and storms. Additionally, malnutrition is likely because of insufficient and unbalanced meals. Therefore, homelessness eradication strategies are vital for eliminating this problem.
health implication associated with homeless people


The health implications of homelessness are extreme, therefore, need addressing. Health is a vital element for human survival; therefore, protection is crucial. Equal rights apply to all human beings; therefore, homelessness eradication strategies are a step for achieving equality. Government organizations formulate plans for reducing and eliminating homelessness. A great example is the strategic action plan for homelessness by the United States government. Its functions are preventing homelessness, providing health and social services for the homeless and empowering communities. Moreover, it develops initiatives for tracking homelessness prevention strategies. The department also encourages participation of vulnerable community members, disable and low-income earners, in the program. Analyzing the causes of homelessness is vital for developing preventive measures.
understanding homelessness eradication strategies in the society

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