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The Armenian Genocide and Turkish Armenian history involved mass killing conducted against the Armenian subjects of the Ottoman Empire. Armenians charge that the campaign was an attempt to destroy the Armenian people and, thus, an act of Genocide. The Turkish government has resisted calls to recognize the Turkish Armenian war as such. Turkish insist that there was no official policy of extermination implemented against the Armenian people as a group. In 1908 a small group of Ottoman revolutionaries within the broader Young Turks movement came to power. Armenians welcomed the restoration of the Ottoman constitution, and the promise of elections led them to cooperate. Over time, however, the Young Turks became non-tolerant of non-Turks leading to the Armenian Genocide and Turkish Armenian history.

Armenian genocide and Turkish Armenian history


The Armenian Genocide and Turkish Armenian history date back to a hundred years ago. On April 24th, people around the world will mourn the implementation of a plan devised by Ottoman officials. Amid the chaos of the First World War, the plan annihilated the Armenian people in their native homeland. The policy initiated in 1915 was brutally effective and had resulted in the Turkish Armenian war. The war destroyed virtually every Armenian community outside Constantinople and the death of a million people. In any context, one would expect that such an event would cause lasting collective trauma. To this day, however, the Turkish state denies that a systematic annihilation ever occurred. On the other hand, Armenians continue to struggle with the official negation: to endlessly combat the Turkish Armenian history.

 remembering the Armenian genocide and its context


A hundred years ago, amid the upheaval of World War I, the Armenian Genocide took place across eastern Anatolia. The Ottoman Empire, having lost the Balkans, faced the prospect of losing its Arab territories. Worried that the Christian Armenian population was planning to align with Russia, officials embarked on the Turkish Armenian war. The war is what historians have called the first Genocide of the 20th century. Nearly 1.5 million Armenians died, some in massacres others in forced marches to the Syrian desert where they starved. The Genocide was the greatest atrocity of the Great War. The Genocide remains a bitterly contested legacy. For the Armenian Genocide and Turkish Armenian history of surviving Armenians, the Genocide became a central marker of their identity.

century after Turkish Armenian war, turkey’s denial only deepens

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