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Strategic organizational analysis helps in determining the weaknesses of an organization. Moreover, it is the process of appraising the growth, personnel, work environment, and operations of an entity. It benefits an organization as it enables the management to identify areas of weakness and find suitable solutions to eliminate the problems. Additionally, an organizational assessment focuses on the structure and design of an organization, its positioning, and the efficiency with which it operates. Furthermore, during the assessment, the organization should take into account as many internal and external factors as possible.

Read more on strategic organizational analysis and weaknesses of an organization at;


Primarily, a strategic organizational analysis includes the evaluation of an organization`s potential and resource base. Assessing the strengths of an organization is key. Moreover, it involves evaluating management, workforce, resources, and current marketing goals. This helps in defining the capability of an organization. Consequently, this assists the management in making sound decisions as they formulate long-term objectives. Additionally, recognizing the areas of weakness is key to identify problems and implement beneficial changes. This is through an assessment of the weaknesses of an organization that may affect its performance.

Read more on the components of strategic organizational analysis at;


The weaknesses of an organization limit its ability to reach its full potential. An organization identifies its weaknesses through a strategic organizational analysis to determine areas of improvement. Primarily, the high cost of conducting business and small cash flow are examples of the financial weaknesses of an organization. Additionally, the organization may also lack access to loans or investors. Other areas of weakness include poor quality of products and production inefficiencies. Failure to invest in new technology may not only lead to quality issues but also inhibit innovation. Similarly, a lack of efficient equipment or production process leads to low productivity of an organization. Furthermore, an organization may have a poor brand image as a result of poor products or bad customer service.

Read more on the examples of weaknesses of an organization at;

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