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The essay will discuss the sociology of gangs and gangs’ representation of society in today’s world. Gang research has mainly focused on related criminal behavior and gangs. Notably, gang members have a higher chance of involvement in criminal behavior compared to their peers. Gang members end up as perpetrators or victims of violence during criminal activities. Mainly, entering a gang increases a person’s chances of engaging in crime, and former members maintain high offending levels. Moreover, gang members engage in gun violence, and areas with different gang groups experience many gang wars. Analyzing the sociology of gangs helps in understanding gangs’ representation of society.

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Social changes affect the understanding of a gang in a particular geographical location. In defining gangs precisely, one needs to place its organizational form from a historical perspective. Notably, gang activities have been resilient for more than a century and are part of America’s society. Various social upheavals have affected gangs, but it’s the social changes that have affected gangs’ dynamics. Mainly, social changes have transformed the functional shape and behavior of gangs in America. Gangs conduct their operations in societies that experience social changes, and thus they have to adapt to changes too. Research on the sociology of gangs helps in understanding gangs’ representation of society.

For more information on the sociology of gangs and social changes, click


Gangs’ representation of society is through their depiction in media, novels, and films. Primarily, gangs get viewed as pathologically brutal and associated with media, novels, and films. Firstly,  gangs in central America get viewed as major criminals that showcase high levels of violence. Law enforcement describes these criminal gangs as a rising urban insurgency, which poses a national threat. Thus, the policies in response to the threat have been repressive and central America is at war with gangs. The alarm over gangs is a result of stereotyping and hype, according to critics. The essay highlights the sociology of gangs and gangs’ representation of society through social changes.

For more information on gangs’ representation of society and gang stereotypes, click

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