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Social Media in Nursing. quality 2023

Navigating the Ethical Landscape of Social Media in Nursing: A Self-reflection

Social Media in Nursing

Social Media in Nursing: In the modern era, social media has evolved into a powerful communication tool that permeates both personal and professional aspects of our lives. This holds for nurses, who find themselves at the intersection of maintaining professionalism and engaging with social media platforms. The influence of social media on nursing practice, recruitment, and patient privacy has introduced a complex ethical landscape that demands vigilance. This essay delves into an in-depth exploration of social media’s impact on nursing professionalism, discussing posts that might be considered unprofessional, the responsibility of nurses to uphold ethical standards, and the alignment of social media activity with Christian values.

Social Media in Nursing: Posts or Conversations that May be Deemed Inappropriate

Upon reviewing my social media profiles, it became evident that there were instances of engagement that could be considered unprofessional and harmful to my nursing career and the broader nursing field. One specific example involved sharing a photograph from within a healthcare facility, inadvertently revealing patient information in the background. This breach of patient privacy raises concerns about violating the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. It undermines the trust patients place in healthcare professionals to safeguard their information.

Another questionable instance was participating in a heated online argument about a controversial medical topic, where emotions escalated, and respectful discourse was lost. Engaging in such confrontations may negatively affect my ability to communicate and collaborate professionally, potentially impacting how colleagues and patients perceive my competence and reliability as a nurse.

Social Media in Nursing: The Nurse’s Responsibility to Uphold Ethical Standards

Nurses are responsible for upholding a standard of conduct that aligns with the nursing profession’s ethical standards. This obligation extends beyond the workplace’s confines and permeates their personal lives, especially in social media. Patients’ trust in nurses is built upon ethical care, respect for confidentiality, and compassion. A nurse’s professional behavior and reputation are indissolubly linked, and any conduct that undermines these values threatens the integrity of the nursing profession.

Personal conduct on social media can violate HIPAA regulations, as evident in the case of sharing patient information without proper consent. By disclosing patient information, even accidentally, nurses breach patient confidentiality, erode trust, and risk legal consequences. An example of unethical behavior would be posting degrading or mocking comments about healthcare facilities, colleagues, or patients. Such actions perpetuate a toxic culture, waning the image of the nursing profession and compromising the quality of patient care.

Social Media in Nursing: Aligning Social Media Activity with Christian Values

Respecting human dignity, compassion, and kindness is one of the values that Christians emphasize. In social media, these values translate into how nurses interact with content and others. By sharing content that promotes empathy, understanding, and uplifting messages, nurses can demonstrate their commitment to these principles.

For instance, advocating for marginalized populations, sharing inspirational stories of patient recovery, or engaging in discussions about healthcare equity and access aligns with Christian values of compassion and social justice. Such posts reflect a commitment to treating all individuals with respect and recognizing their inherent value as human beings.

Nevertheless, areas of improvement exist within my social media activity. I need to be more mindful of my content and how I engage with others. Avoiding discussions that perpetuate negativity, bias, or stereotypes is critical. Moreover, being cautious about inadvertently sharing information that breaches patient privacy is imperative for maintaining ethical integrity.

Conclusion to Social Media in Nursing

In the digital age, nurses navigate a complex terrain where social media intersects with their professional and personal lives. The findings of this review highlight the importance of upholding ethical standards in the online realm, ensuring that social media engagement aligns with the principles of patient confidentiality, respect, and professionalism. Nurses can enhance patient care, preserve the nursing field’s reputation, and promote a more compassionate and empathetic digital community by aligning personal conduct with the standards governing the nursing profession and Christian values.


Geraghty, S., Hari, R. and Oliver, K. (2021). Using social media in contemporary nursing: risks and benefits. British Journal of Nursing, 30(18), pp.1078–1082. doi

Glasdam, S., Sandberg, H., Stjernswärd, S., Jacobsen, F.F., Grønning, A.H. and Hybholt, L. (2022). Nurses’ use of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic—A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 17(2), p.e0263502. Doi:

Social Media in Nursing

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