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The Roman Catholic Church doctrines and catholic sacraments are essential to the Roman Catholic Church members as it solidifies their faith. The Roman Catholic Church doctrines are its beliefs, tenets, principles, or teachings and it is through these beliefs or teachings that they base their practices. Councils, committees, or governing assemblies, decide upon doctrines. In the case of Catholics, the government of the Vatican has decreed their doctrines. Additionally, Catholic sacraments are based on the doctrines with members of the church carrying out basic practices that vary within the Body of Christ. God’s divine Word is the blueprint for all Christian faith. “Christian” means follower of Jesus Christ. According to Ephesians 2:20, Jesus is the chief cornerstone of God’s household! His doctrines will never change. Finally, Catholic believers adhere to the Roman Catholic Church doctrines and sacraments by using Catholic catechism as a reference point.

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Bishops, theologians, and other experts worked on compiling all of the catholic teachings and beliefs regarding both faith and morals. The fruit of their work was the Catholic catechism which was an organized presentation of the essential teachings of the Catholic Church and in light of the second Vatican council and the whole of the church’s tradition. The roman catechism inspired many other catechisms which were in the format of question and answers. The roman catechism inspired students to learn the doctrines and incorporate the faith into their daily lives. Believers learn of the various Catholic sacraments through catechism classes. Therefore, this strengthens and spreads the Roman Catholic Church doctrines and sacraments.

For more information on Roman, Catholic catechism and catechism history, click



The Roman Catholics have seven sacraments which are baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, marriage and holy orders. The Catholic sacraments are divided into three categories: sacraments of initiation, sacraments of healing and sacraments of service that they’re means which God uses to show His grace and help us achieve salvation. In the Bible, for instance, Christ gives his followers clear instructions on how to administer and receive each of the sacraments. The Roman Catholic Church doctrines and catholic sacraments taught during Catholic catechism help the believers to strengthen their belief. This is seen through his work with the Apostles. For instance, healing the sick, parables, giving his body and blood to nourish our souls and forgiving sinners. Lastly, the Church administers these holy sacraments as instructed in the Roman Catholic Church doctrines, for all to worship God and receive His salvation.

For more information on the catholic sacraments and the Roman Catholic catechism, click

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