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This dissertation discusses the role of healthcare professionals in Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE). OSCE assesses competency, based on objective testing through direct observation. It is precise, objective, and reproducible. It, therefore, allows for uniform testing of many clinical skills. The traditional clinical examination tests a narrow range of clinical skills, patient history, and physical examinations. OSCE evaluates core performance aspects such as communication skills and the ability to handle unpredictable patient behavior. Aso, in OSCE, professionals should perform particular clinical skills within a given time. Thus, it helps improve the role of healthcare professionals in care delivery and enhancing patients’ competence levels.
 role of healthcare professionals in Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)


Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) can consist of one station where students perform one or a variety of skills. It can also have multiple stations that test different skills and knowledge in clinical practice. The practical skills are vital for the role of healthcare professionals in any setting. They should also have background knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Additionally, tests for these can be paper-based or oral. The management of OSCEs should be in a simulated clinical skills area to expose students to the same environment. Other improvements from the traditional clinical examination include the use of role players and a more holistic approach. Therefore, the approach integrates into assessments to make them more realistic
 OSCE environments


Preparations for OSCEs are quite different from traditional clinical examination. Students must consider newer aspects of the examination. The repeated verbal practice is an excellent approach to preparing for OSCEs. Candidates should pay close attention to all given instructions and rules of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE). Additionally, several factors determine the success rates of students. These, therefore, include interactions, communication skills, and self-confidence. Careful preparation for the OSCE is essential in improving the likelihood of successful outcomes. Students must understand the specific roles of healthcare professionals and prepare psychologically. Lastly, this helps to improve their familiarity with equipment and know the procedures used in the OSCE.
preparing for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

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