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Responding to anger and aggression from people with dementia may be very difficult. Caregivers should give them enough space to avoid resistance. It is not advisable to get into arguments with dementia patients because it rarely ends successfully. Coping with dementia is also challenging for the patients, and frustrations may cause combativeness. We need to give them time, especially when performing tasks that are seemingly easy for ordinary people. Caregivers can engage dementia patients by distracting them. Music serves as an excellent distraction. The causes of dementia involve damage or loss of nerve cells, together with their connection to the brain.
responding to anger and aggression in dementia


The best gift for people coping with dementia is support and care. Caregivers should not be shy to accept support from well-wishers. It also allows caregivers to hear what is working for other caregivers and learn about local dementia resources. We need to show active empathy to people living with dementia so that they feel loved and appreciated. This will help them become more comfortable and safe, knowing that people care. Dementia tends to get worse, and the cure is still unknown. Researchers are looking more into the causes of dementia to try to determine possible treatment methods. In the meantime, we need to give dementia patients more peace to cope with the condition
Read more of caring for someone with dementia at 


Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. Many researchers believe that Alzheimer’s is hereditary. Another cause of dementia is the loss or damage of nerve cells and their connections in the brain. Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia and is a result of damage to the vessels that supply blood to the brain. Dementia affects people differently, depending on the damaged part of the brain. People with dementia may experience several symptoms, ranging from memory loss to difficulty in reasoning. The frustration that may come from being unable to remember or communicate properly makes the process of coping with dementia more difficult. Lastly, Planning and organizing become even harder, and more damage results in psychological and personality changes.
Read more of the causes and symptoms of dementia at

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