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This assignment looks at reducing racial disparities and ethnic health care disparities. Compared with whites, members of racial and ethnic minorities are less likely to receive preventive health services. Health inequality issues cause worse health outcomes for specific conditions. To combat these disparities, advocates say healthcare professionals must explicitly acknowledge the racism factor in health care. Less directed efforts to improve health outcomes fail to consider the particular factors that may lead to worse outcomes. These less directed efforts may, in some cases, exacerbate racial health disparities, especially for blacks and Hispanics. In reducing racial disparities and ethnic health care disparities, advocates say health professionals must explicitly acknowledge the racism factor.

reducing racial disparities and ethnic health care disparities


Reducing racial disparities and ethnic health care disparities is a growing concern for all health care professionals.  A growing realization among healthcare researchers is that a focus on healthcare disparities is important in improving healthcare outcomes. Another realization is that activities toward Health inequality issues improvement must bring together several elements of our healthcare delivery system. Populations customarily underserved in the American health care system include African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, and Asian Americans. The term health disparities refer to the difference in which disadvantaged social groups experience worse health risks. According to experts, understanding how race and ethnic health care disparities impact one’s access to health services.

 racial and ethnic health care disparities


Health inequality issues have been well documented in developed countries for decades but relatively less reported in developing countries. There is an urgent need for studies on health inequality in developing countries, especially China. Ethnic health care disparities exist across different countries and regions and even among individuals. Undeniably, the health status of a population improves along with economic development and biotech advances. However, low-income economies still lag behind high-income economies in terms of health issues. Moreover, health inequalities even exist within high-income economies. In reducing racial disparities and ethnic health care disparities China focuses less on race-related disparities in health issues.

 ethnicity and health inequalities issues in China

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