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Various PSY310 abnormal psychology disorders such as anxiety disorders in adults cause people to act outside of the norm. Primarily, abnormal psychology deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior. It covers a wide range of disorders from depression to personality disorders. Additionally, it focuses on the patterns of emotion, behavior, and thoughts that may be signs of a mental health condition. Moreover, it focuses on the level of distress that thoughts, behaviors, or emotions might cause. Psychologists use various perspectives in abnormal psychology such as the psychoanalytic approach and behavior approach.

Read more on PSY301 abnormal psychology disorders and anxiety disorders in adults at;


Neurodevelopmental disorders and PSY301 abnormal psychology disorders begin in early childhood and impair the development of the brain. Moreover, they interfere with the way the brain works with the neurological systems in the body. Examples include intellectual disability and communication disorders. Similarly, bipolar and mood disorders affect a person’s mental health condition by influencing their mood and general activity. Additionally, bipolar disorder causes shifts between feelings of mania and depression. Anxiety disorders in adults lead to a constant feeling of worry and fear.

Read more on the types of PSY301 abnormal psychology disorders at;


In the treatment of anxiety disorders in adults, health providers may combine mediation and psychotherapy to restore a person`s mental health condition. In medications, health professionals may use anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines to reduce anxiety, worry, and panic. However, a person may develop a tolerance to these medications. Similarly, antidepressants help in treating anxiety disorders as well as other PSY301 abnormal psychology disorders. They tweak how the brain uses certain chemicals to improve mood and reduce stress.  Contrastingly, psychotherapy helps to deal with the emotional response to anxiety disorder. Common approaches include exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Read more on the treatment of anxiety disorders in adults at;

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