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The PSY30003 introduction to equanimity and evaluation of equanimity essay looks at ways of measuring equanimity. There has been a growing interest in contemplative practices such as meditation. However, the emerging field of contemplative science has faced challenges. Especially when it comes to describing and objectively measuring how the practices affect health and well-being. The cultivation of equanimity proves to be a hard task than one would imagine and requires intense focus. Research provided contains multiple components that get characterized as equanimity and can measure equanimity too. The PSY30003 introduction to equanimity and evaluation of equanimity article discusses various research based on equanimity.

PSY30003  introduction to equanimity and evaluation of equanimity, click


The research article provides a discussion on research on the evaluation of equanimity and how equanimity influences healthy relationships development. Growing evidence shows mindfulness may be a key predictor of relationship satisfaction. However, there are critical gaps that remain in understanding how mindfulness leads to healthy relationships development. Many studies have evaluated trait-level mindfulness among nonmeditating populations. Moreover, studies show mindfulness as a unitary construct despite being shown to consist of distinct subconstructs. The research provided looks at addressing the gaps by looking at mindfulness, relationship satisfaction, and potential mediators. The essay helps in highlighting an introduction to equanimity and study based on the evaluation of serenity.

 evaluation of equanimity and development of healthy relationships


The cultivation of equanimity is a process that requires time among practitioners. According to the Buddha, the way to bring about serenity is wise attention. That is by continually mindful from moment to moment, without a break. Mainly, equanimity bases on the intention to develop equanimity. One moment of serenity causes a succeeding moment of composure to arise. Therefore, when equanimity gets activated, it will continue and deepen. A step by step approach will lead to the strengthening of serenity. Lastly, the PSY30003 introduction to equanimity and evaluation of equanimity research helps in understanding what it takes to achieve mindfulness.

cultivation of equanimity and relation to Buddhism, click

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