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This dissertation reviews some of the professional issues in nursing and patient neglect in healthcare. Nurses must work with confidentiality and accuracy, ensure patient safety, and build healthy workplace relationships. Respecting patients’ private information means that nurses cannot reveal confidential information to co-workers and other third parties. However, if authorized by the patient, they can share the information with patients’ immediate family members. By following and maintaining ethical nursing principles, nurses can effectively perform most of their duties. Working with high accuracy helps to minimize errors and promote quick, safe, and successful patient recovery. Accuracy requires being thorough with patient records and updates.
Read more on professional issues in nursing and patient neglect in healthcare at 


Patient neglect in healthcare facilities is a growing concern in the world. Additionally, Patient neglect takes two forms. The first is procedural neglect, which refers to the failures of healthcare professionals to achieve objective standards of care. The second is caring neglect observed by patients and other people involved in the healthcare environment. Thus, Various organizational factors cause problems of neglect and other issues in nursing. These include heavy workloads and long shifts that affect nurses’ performance. The relationships formed between nurses and patients and other medical professionals also affect the quality of care delivered. A regular personal reflection on the application of ethical nursing principles is essential for high nursing competence.
Read more on patient neglect in healthcare institutions at 


Nurses must adhere to the ethical nursing principles of beneficence, justice, non-maleficence, fidelity, accountability, integrity, and autonomy. Acting justly means being fair in the distribution of care. Beneficence means doing what is right for patients at all times. With non-maleficence, nurses can prevent patient neglect in healthcare. This, therefore, means keeping the Hippocratic Oath and avoiding no intentional harm. Nurses must also be accountable for their actions and accept the consequences of their actions. Therefore, they must keep their promises and remain faithful to their professional issues in nursing, promises, and responsibilities. Lastly, they achieve this through the provision of high-quality care in a competent manner.
Read more on the essential ethical nursing principles at 

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