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Prison vaccination’s role in prison inmate’s health is vital since prisoners expose get exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases. The risk of acquiring infectious diseases during a prison sentence exceeds that of the general population. Various causes may explain this excess risk. Some reasons are due to the structural and prison logistical problems and others to chronic or acquired prison behaviors. Health programs exist to prevent transmissible diseases in jail, and they include Health in Prisons Program (HIPP) by WHO. The program has attempted to lead and guide discussions between prison safety and global health. The attempts include perspectives derived from the experiences and recommendations applied in the European region. After water purification, vaccination is probably the intervention that has most helped to improve human life expectancy. For this reason, the prison vaccination role in prison inmate’s health should be a priority.

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Prison vaccination’s role in prison inmate’s health has immense benefits since prisoners are more vulnerable than the general population. Although there are guidelines and recommendations on the health aspects of prisons, there is limitation in the sections on prevention. Furthermore, most suggestions and approaches are not readily applicable to the reality of prison life. Access of prisoners to vaccination to ensure the prevention of transmissible diseases in jail approach is suitable. Tattoos and unprotected sex entail a much higher prevalence of viral hepatitis among prisoners than in the general population. There is, therefore, a call to prioritize prison vaccination to reduce chronic viral hepatitis carriers. The annual flow of prisoners indicates an interaction between prisoners and society. There should be an improvement in Prison inmate’s health needs by vaccination of routine influenza, viral hepatitis, or conjugate pneumococcal.

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Transmissible diseases in jail are common in prisons all over the world. Australian prison settings, for example, have a higher prevalence of hepatitis B than the general population hepatitis B prevalence. A 1994 study of 408 New South Wales prison inmates reported a prevalence of 31% for the hepatitis antibody. The study additionally reported a prevalence of 3.2% for hepatitis B surface antigen. Results of the prison inmate’s health were compared to 32% and 2.5%, respectively, of a study on Pentridge Prison. In the Victorian cohort, 72% for whom immunization data was available, only 5% reported having ever been immunized. Other Australian groups with similarly high levels of hepatitis B infection are the Aboriginal and Torries Strait Island communities. The prison vaccination role in prison inmate’s health is a global concern that needs proper addressing.

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