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Several states recognize the need for power and authority structures for cultural development planning. Power entails having the ability to impose one’s will on others despite their resistance. A person can hold one or more positions of power in particular areas, like the government or organizational leaders. People in power gain legitimate authority when their subjects consider their uses of power as appropriate. Such leadership values the role of culture and societal influence on power structures. Various customs and traditions determine the individuals to lead and hold positions of power and authority. This is traditional authority. It is common in many preindustrial societies and modern monarchies.
power and authority structures for cultural development planning


Cultural developmental planning is the decisions that aim at enriching cultures to realize the desired future. Culture exists even without government interventions. Governments aid this process by providing the required resources and support. This is possible where people in a particular state understand the role of culture in promoting future developments. We can promote culture through art and other forms of entertainment. Therefore, we must develop robust power and authority structures that preserve and promote culture. One effective way to ensure this is by integrating the aspects of culture in the curriculum. Therefore, the emphasis of cultural development plans should be on promoting a future of culturally rich and vibrant communities.
scope of cultural development planning


There are numerous roles of culture in promoting societal developments. It helps to preserve and transmit knowledge over many generations. For example, we can find information about past life in London in the Sherlock Holmes book series. Communities should be careful about who they choose as their leaders. This is because the aspects of power and authority shape cultures through decisions that affect people’s ways of life. People show great concern and interest in certain cultures more than others. Additionally, some are even willing to pay top dollar for art pieces that depict certain aspects of culture. Through cultural developmental planning, countries can boost their economies by commercializing some elements of their cultures. Lastly, the turnover of cultural and creative industries is $1.3 trillion.
 role of culture in societal development

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