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Post-partum depression affects a large number of young women. After birth, most young women get the baby blues hence the feeling of emptiness and sadness. This often happens within the first few days of giving birth. However, if this feeling persists for longer than two weeks then a woman is likely to experience post-partum depression. This is a serious mental illness since it involves the brain and affects a woman’s behavior and physical health. Moreover, it often comes with feeling unconnected to the baby and one feels like they are not the baby’s mother. Mothers can also experience anxiety disorders after birth.

Read more on post-partum depression among young women at;


Hormonal changes trigger the symptoms of post-partum depression. During pregnancy, the levels of estrogen and progesterone are usually high. Consequently, after childbirth, they quickly drop back to normal. Therefore, this sudden change in hormonal levels often causes depression. Additionally, the levels of thyroid hormones may also drop after childbirth. Thus, lower levels of this hormone also cause symptoms of depression. Other minor causes of this illness include feeling tired after labor and delivery especially among young women. Moreover, there is the unrealistic need to be a perfect mother

Read more on the major causes of post-partum depression at;


Young women, especially teenage mothers face various effects and risks from childbirth. Firstly, they are more likely to experience interrupted education. This occurs both before and after child delivery. Moreover, since they are not fully prepared for motherhood, most of them pose a high risk of experiencing post-partum depression. This majorly results in the lack of readiness to raise a child. Additionally, they are at a high risk of maternal mortality. Statistics show that pregnancy is the leading cause of death among girls aged 15 to 19 years globally. Lastly, they are more likely to suffer from health-related risks like obstetric fistula.

Read more on the effects of pregnancy among young women at;

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