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This paper focuses on policy formulation process and gang violence reduction policies. Policies are guidelines used for a course of action by a given organization. They are tools for problem-solving in firms and the community at large. Policies undergo various stages before their implementation in assigned areas. This paper analyses the adverse effects of gang involvement and policies on reducing gang violence. The first stage is the agenda-setting that identifies the problem at hand. Secondly, policy formulation is the stage concerning the examination of the tangible solution available. Thirdly, adoption concerns identifying the best solution for use. Fourthly, the implementation stage deals with incorporating the policy in the area of requirement. Lastly, the review stage evaluates the efficiency and compatibility of the policy.
 policy formulation process and gang violence reduction policies


Gang violence is highly rising; therefore, its addressing is essential. The adverse effects of gang involvement are not pleasant. They are several and, in extreme cases, life-threatening. Youths associate themselves with gangs for various reasons such as peer pressure and poverty. Therefore, the formulation of gang violence reduction policies is a step to curbing the vice. The first policy is the stricter alcohol policy by placing regulations on alcohol sales and consumption. This is because irresponsible alcohol intake relates closely to gang violence.  Secondly, hot spot policing by increasing police vigilance on areas associating with gang members. Moreover, raising the age for school dropping out is another policy. Ensuring the completion of the policy formulation process is vital for the success of these policies.
 gang violence reduction policies in the society at


The adverse effects of gang involvement are not only on members but also the surrounding community. The use involving in gangs is at higher risks of discontinuing education, teenage parenthood and facing jail time. Moreover, they are likely to start using drugs and engaging in criminal activities. Research reveals that continuous gang association gives individuals difficulty in transitioning into adulthood. A policy formulation process against gang involvement and violence is therefore necessary for reducing this vice. The community also undergoes the effects of gangs among them. They are highly vulnerable to theft and destruction by these gangs. The adoption and implementation of gang violence reduction policies are, therefore, crucial.
 adverse effects of gang involvement

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