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To achieve smooth running of an organization, addressing personnel management roles in improving organizational behavior is crucial. Personnel management has varying definitions according to different scholars. Flippo defines it as the planning, organizing, integration, and maintenance of an organization’s employees for attaining individual, organizational and societal goals. On the other hand, Brech describes personnel management as the organization’s component concerned with human resources. Personnel manager roles include the following. Provision of assistance to top management concerning policies related to the workforce. Secondly, the personnel manager advises the line manager as a staff specialist. Thirdly, he or she acts as a mediator in case a conflict arises. This paper also analyses the importance of organizational culture.

Read more on personnel manager roles in improving organizational behavior at


Completing higher education in executive leadership provides professionals with opportunities for enhancing the effectiveness of a company. Effectiveness relates to the efficiency and quality services a business offers. The following are some of the strategies for improving organizational behavior. One is focusing on growth and education by facilitating continuous training. Secondly, adequately utilizing human resources and the personnel manager’s roles in the organization. This is by exploiting all their potentials and providing them with room for creativity. Thirdly, prioritizing customer needs and wants is another strategy. Other strategies are enhancing the quality of services and using technology in the business for achieving desirable outcomes.

Read more on the strategies for improving organizational behavior at


Companies with strong corporate cultures appeal to job candidates seeking permanent positions and opportunities for advancement. This is because organizational culture helps companies achieve their goals and objectives. An organizational culture entails a company’s objectives, goals, and mission that guide employees. The importance of organizational culture is as follows. It increases employee involvement by boosting their morale. Secondly, it reduces the rate of turnover due to high job satisfaction levels. Thirdly, it creates a strong brand identity in customers and potential investors’ eyes by improving organizational behavior. Moreover, companies with good organizational culture possess employees’ transformational power by recognizing their efforts and improving their skills.

Read more on the importance of organizational culture for upcoming businesses at

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