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The personal code of ethics is important in promoting social justice. The personal code of ethics guides individuals in their personal and professional life. It, therefore, develops from core values and work ethics to goals applied in challenging situations. Moreover, personal ethics contain common guidelines that people share. However, they vary in the level of importance and maintenance. Social justice is fairness in the manifests of society. Promoting social justice is through peaceful and non-peaceful forms of activism or government policy. However, it depends on the causes of injustice and the response society gets.
personal codes of ethics in promoting social justice


Promoting social justice is essential for the wee-being of the community. The following methods help in this process. First, spreading the word is a personal code of ethics that involves honesty and integrity. This is through word of mouth or online methods. Second, embracing diversity whereby individuals explore prejudice from different races and cultures hence gain a better understanding of issues affecting them and causes of injustice. Third, promoting social justice begins at home. Individuals should, therefore, practice what they preach to enhance the process. Lastly, signing a pledge or petition from people fighting for social injustice brings a difference to the society.
 the methods of promoting social injustice


A personal code of ethics has the following benefits. First, the help to set the right culture. This is because codes of ethics foster an environment of trust, excellence, ethical behavior, and integrity. Second, it builds a good reputation hence establishes a long-lasting partnership between individuals. Third, it helps individuals on an organization to stay within the laws and regulations of the company. Accordingly, companies that fail to adhere to the code of conduct may get sued for breach. Lastly, a personal code of conduct helps in promoting social justice. This, therefore, makes the world a better place by the elimination of the causes of injustice.
e benefits of a personal code of ethics

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