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The assignment focuses on the Other Voices, Other Rooms providing a synopsis, and covers the snow queen. Other Voices, Other Rooms, is the story of Joel Knox, who finds out about the different forms of love. Aunt Ellen raises Joel in New Orleans after the death of Joel’s mother. But Joel’s life changes when he receives a mysterious letter inviting him to come to live with his long-forgotten father. That is at a place called Skully’s Landing. A synopsis of the Other Voices, Other Rooms, helps in identifying the issues discussed in the book. What Joel finds at the deteriorating mansion at the Landing both surprises and repulses him. However, Joel remains and finds his place among the eccentric characters who become his new family. The Other Voices, Other Rooms, and the snow queen article helps in understanding the plight of Joel and love. For more information on Other Voices, Other Rooms, click


The essay helps in understanding the importance of the snow queen in Other Voices, Other Rooms. Snow plays a crucial role in the second step of Joel’s enlightenment. That is in his initial sighting of the “queer lady” in the Landing’s upper window. To Joel, the woman’s “pale, wintry face” is evocative of the Snow Queen. Moreover, it brings to mind his own “vaporish” reflection in the plantation’s mirrors. A synopsis of the Other Voices, Other Rooms discusses the snow queen’s relevance to Joel. The gaze that he exchanges with the “queer lady” is a surreal moment for Joel. However, it ends abruptly when he stumbles “across an old bell used in slave-days to summon field hands from work.” The Other Voices, Other Rooms, and the snow queen article helps in highlighting the snow queen’s significance.  For more information on the significance of the snow queen in Other Voices, Other Rooms, click


The research paper also provides a synopsis of the Other Voices, Other Rooms, and Joel’s life. The novel takes very little time to let the reader know that the concept of “the other” will define the book. Notably, the Other Voices, Other Rooms, portrays Joel as “too pretty, too delicate and fair-skinned.” That is as well as effeminate and unlike what a “real” boy looks like typically. Moreover, the snow queen comes into stark contrast with a truck driver’s rugged masculinity. Thus, it’ sits clear; there’s something Different about Joel. The Other Voices, Other Rooms, and the snow queen focuses on the writer’s portrayal of Joel and his life.  For more information on the synopsis of the Other Voices, Other Rooms and the role of Joel, click
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