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Nutrition in children is essential in the maintenance of good health at the early development stages of life. Moreover, child nutrition ensures that a child grows healthy and strong. Also, it builds a foundation for healthy eating habits that the child can maintain throughout life. Additionally, malnutrition causes deficiency diseases that negatively affect the growth and development of a child. It is essential to maintain a balanced diet for children to ensure that their bodies receive all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts. Furthermore, children are more likely to suffer from malnutrition compared to adults.
 nutrition in children and maintenance of good health


Good nutrition in children helps to restore the lost nutrients as a result of surgery or illnesses. Therefore, the intake of food and nutrients should increase to ensure that they remain healthy and strong. Additionally, the brains of children experience rapid growth. Good nutrition ensures that the development of their nervous system takes place properly. Moreover, it helps in the growth and development of a child’s body. The growth process in children requires a large number of nutrients. Consequently, good nutrition ensures the maintenance of good health throughout the process. It also provides energy for a child and maintains the immune system.
importance of nutrition in children


The maintenance of good health is essential in the growth of a child. A child should practice proper hygiene methods such as the washing of hands to reduce the risk of infections or illnesses. Similarly, good nutrition in children boosts the immunity system to keep their bodies resistant to diseases. Furthermore, it is important to ensure a child has enough sleep. This is because sleep reduces stress and also helps in the growth and development of the body. Moreover, it is essential that a child’s body stays hydrated and avoids the consumption of fatty or processed foods.
 maintenance of good health in children

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