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NURS6053 patient care types and current healthcare issues are some significant subtopics of healthcare systems. Healthcare involves a range of professional and wellness activities. The professionals in healthcare include pediatricians, nurses, pharmacists, psychologists, surgeons, and clinical officers. Health services serve several groups, including communities, families, and patients in need of healthcare services. These services extend beyond primary, outpatient, and emergency care. NURS6053 health services types include the following. Dental care that provides diagnosis and treatment for people having various teeth conditions. Secondly, Prenatal care provides services for pregnant for the safe development and delivery of children. Additionally, mental health care provides wellness programs for mental illnesses. Substance abuse treatment, pharmaceutical care, and occupational therapy are other health services.


Healthcare is critical for the survival of human beings. Everyone deserves equal opportunities of receiving adequate services.  The provision of healthcare continuously faces various challenges and issues and challenges hence limiting the process’s effectiveness. Current healthcare issues include the following. One, the difficulty of healthcare access due to high pricing. A majority of the population is unable to access healthcare due to insufficient income for sustainability. Secondly, high drug costs resulting from pharmaceutical companies’ monopolization that sell drugs at relatively high prices. Thirdly, the issue of opioid (class of painkillers for chronic pain) addiction among patients is rising at an alarming rate. Therefore, the incorporation of strategies for solving healthcare issues in health facilities is very crucial.

Read more on current healthcare issues in the world at


Following the high number of current healthcare issues, mitigation strategies are crucial for solving the issues. These strategies are essential for enhancing the provision of healthcare services. Moreover, they ensure that all citizens access healthcare regardless of their economic backgrounds. The strategies include the following. Ensuring the personalization and portability of health insurance by eliminating employer-provided insurance. Moreover, ensuring that individuals access insurance services regardless of geographic location. Secondly, increasing completion through the breaking of insurance cartels and pharmaceutical monopolies. Thirdly, empowering non-physicians’ medical profession help in increasing the variety of NURS6053 health services types. Additionally, adapting to current technological trends in healthcare is crucially essential.

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